Monday, December 3, 2007

We had quite a wild weather day today - high winds and lots and lots of rain. So much so that the governor declared the entire state a "state of emergency" for the flooding and wind damage. Lots of folks had to rescued from their roofs, at one point they said we were getting 1/2" of rain per hour. Luckily, here on the Island we don't have rivers to flood, or the urban flooding when the storm drains overflow. We are prone to landslides, though, but not at our house. So we came through just fine. We feel bad for the people who have suffered so much damage, and it takes so long to clean it all up.
My Photo Art Journal group has another book due - it's the second in the Elements Series: Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Everyone who signed up contributes one or more photos, and Catherine Anderson compiles them into books to return to us. So I worked on mine - I'm doing two pages for this one. Since the format is 4"x4", I had them printed in the regular 4"x6" size, and used the extra two inches for the back of the page. That's where I wrote something about the subject, and included my name. I folded the two inch flap and glued it to the back.
This shows the front and back of the page, which will then be bound into the book. I had a stack of them to do, but they're all done now and in the mail! Catherine is pretty fast, so we'll probably get the finished books in a week or so! We did the Water last month, and Fire will be next.

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