Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Although it's sunny today, the wind is still high, and the rivers on the mainland are still rising. What a mess!
With all the rain, the pond has filled up, and we can follow the water flowing down the hill, through the swamp, along the driveway, then under it and eventually down to the Sound. Buzz is celebrating finally having enough water to swim in!

The water in the pond flows through the overflow ditch, then down the hill. The second photo shows the stream as it comes out of the culvert under Kevin's driveway.

Then the stream flows through the woods and into the swamp. Walking along the swamp-side trail, I find areas where the water comes into the edges of the woods. The swamp is a sphagnum bog, and the perimeter is filled with thick shrubs, trees and brush, and is almost impossible to penetrate.

There are several trails that dead-end in the swamp, and this spot is one of my favorites. When the water is gone, there is a lot of open area where I can wander and examine the bottom of the swamp. The next photo shows where the swamp butts up against the driveway, and the water turns and flows alongside for a while.
Then it fills another pond - right now it's not quite full, so this is where the water stops. But, by tomorrow, it will be continuing on it's journey, into this area which will end up about a foot deep before it finds the culvert and heads under the drive. From there it goes through two more ponds, and finally drops down into Holmes Harbor.

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