Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Another pretty day - the leaves were floating on the pond.
Cris and I went hiking along the Cuyahoga River - this is the view from the overlook, showing the "Crooked River". At the top horizon on the left, you can just make out the high-level bridge.
Later, David and I went to the world famous Belgrade Gardens for their chicken. We had been missing this ever since we left Ohio for Washington, so it was so great to find that it still tasted really good! They serve it with french fries and a hot sauce, which is also unique. Now David will be inspired again to try and re-create the flavours.

Some more photos of the pond and leaves.And a photo of Mom and Dad's house. The downhill side overlooks the pond.

And the leaves keep falling!

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