Thursday, November 8, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Our first morning at the cabin - it was cool and a little frosty last night, leaving a light mist over the river. I tried lots of different exposures, so here are a few views.

The leaves that fell into the river started to pile up behind the rocks like a deck of cards.

We went on the Lyon's Falls trail to big Lyon's Falls. It starts by the covered bridge, then follows the river to the old Stage coach road.
Found some unusual and brightly colored fungus on a tulip tree log.

The falls were just a trickle, but it is a very spectacular place. The sandstone cliffs continue to wear away, changing all the time. People have carved their initials and dates into the stone for a couple hundred years, and some of the older ones, most notably Johnny Appleseed's name, have faded almost completely.

The trail takes you up the side of the gorge and continues on top. The steps are carved right into the sandstone, and are very steep and slippery, especially with the damp leaves. Tread carefully!

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