Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This isn't the greatest garden photo, but in real life it is a really nice color combination. I don't remember what the red-leaved plant is (it will bloom a bit later), but next to the light pink rhododendrons, the blue grass and the blue forget-me-nots, it's a knock-out! And, of course, entirely happenstance. Oh, well...
I found these cute miniature snapdragons at the nursery, and filled a pot with them and some other colorful annuals. It's just a lot of fun. They're only about 12-18 inches tall.
And, now for the mushroom sagas. We've had such a wet spring, mushrooms are popping up everywhere. It's very early for the mushroom season! I found a huge jumble of them under the cedar deodora tree, and this one provided someone's lunch!

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