Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We got up at o-dark-thirty to go fishing at the beach. After stopping for coffee and a breakfast sandwich (no, we don't have a McDonald's here!), and meeting up with Mark, we headed for the beach in the dark. It was completely fogged in, but the water was calm. After a couple of hours, the wind suddenly blew through and scattered the fog. The sun was already up.
The trees poked up through the disappearing wisps of fog. It was a pretty low tide - this is a nice sandy beach, with some gravel, not too steep. The passing ships sounded their foghorns - we could hear them, but couldn't see them. They really sound big!
There was lots of bait passing by on the surface - above, all the disturbance in the water is the little bait fish hitting the surface. The gulls loved it, and swooped low to catch their breakfast. David and Mark saw a brown pelican fly past (I missed it) which is fairly rare around here. I've seen them out at the ocean, but not here on the Island. Maybe it was lost in the fog.
Of course, with all the bait out there, we sure hoped for the fish! Mark (yellow shirt) and David (cowboy hat) did pretty well - 4 and 2 respectively. Me, none! If you click on the photo, you can see that David is casting his buzz bomb - a pink lure. Don't ask me what the salmon think they are, but they do work!
Here is the catch - most of them are the humpback (coho) salmon, but the largest one and the one to the right of it are silver salmon, supposedly better eating, but we like them both. The humpies are oilier, and we've been smoking them, and will can a few batches. We use them just like tuna - they are very mild in flavor when canned. The silvers we have been freezing, to bake or broil later. My big catch was finding a lost buzz bomb!

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