Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My friend Deb and I went shopping in Anacortes today. We get together a couple of times a year and go somewhere to visit the antique shops, and other fun stores. We always have a fun time, and today was no exception. On the drive there, we stopped at a little county park called Sharpe Park. It had a delightful trail through the woods, past a large wetland replete with cattails, bulrush, open water and ducks. The trail went on out to high, rocky bluffs overlooking the Straits of Juan de Fuca and the San Juan Islands. It was pretty, and we passed this log full of colorful bracket fungi along the way.
Coming home, we stopped at West Beach in Oak Harbor, where the waves were breaking against this quite beautiful graffiti breakwater wall. There had been something quite large here in the past, but only remnants remained to defy the elements. It was fun trying to catch the spray from the waves, with an added bonus when the seagulls flew right at me.

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