Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Our friends Rock (he's in the car) and Brenda are visiting from Florida - they drove their Cadillac convertible and are having a blast. They're staying at another friend's house on the island, but we get together often, and they picnic-ed with us today. We had the very traditional 4th fare - hot dogs, beans and potatoe chips. All those things we don't eat anymore, but they taste so good!! David and I had a baked bean cook-off - I followed my mother's recipe, and he improvised. Everyone (including David) agreed that Mom's recipe was better!

We watched the fireworks last night in Freeland. The party we attended had live music, and a fire dancer! She had fire-on-a-chain things that she swung around after dark, and it was beautiful. She was real good, and you could tell she enjoyed it. It was fun.

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