Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wow - did I score at the thrift store! Lookit these wonderful colors - 200 spools of thread for $6. They're so much fun, I just sit and play with them. I received the manual for my sewing machine, and the darning foot, so now, with all these wonderful colors, I'm going to experiment with machine embroidery. I also found some interesting fabrics, and a little case for the sewing machine attachments, so it was a very good thrift day!
It was also a very good sunset - muted and understated, but pretty, after being gray and rainy all day. I didn't even look outside until I glanced up and saw the setting sun, and realized it was time to get up and stretch and take a break. I had to eject the cat, too, as she slept on my lap all day! Time for her to get a little exercise, too!

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