
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

 The purple meadow 'weeds' - hedge nettle and thistle. Lovely colors, and attractive to insects!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

 This eagle was being pursued by seagulls, who left him alone after he landed on the piling. He sat there for quite a while, then flew out to perch on the top of a mast on one of the sailboats in the harbor. He was still there when I came by on my return from running errands.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


The swallows object to the kitties any time they are out in the open, and will swoop and dive-bomb them. Consequently, the kitties hate going out in the yard, and Apollo will only go when I am out there to divert the birds. But I made him stay while I got far enough away to encourage the birds to get him. Unfortunately, the birds are quick but not very cooperative, but I did get one flying away.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Sorry - no photos today, but I did finally get caught up on last weekend's camping trip. Go back and check out the pics!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


 We were just here, but I made a trip to Mt Vernon and came over the bridge again. This time there was a gob of fog there - I have seen photos by others of the bridge in fog, but in all the time I've lived here, this was the first time I was at the bridge when the fog was. So cool!
 The tides were racing, and the boats really had to power their way under the bridge. Add the fog and low visibility, and it was quite entertaining!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2012

 Book group had a summer outing on the Deception Pass Tour - lovely weather, and a great tour guide who gave us all the history low-down!

 Mother and pup.

The Book Women - several husbands came along for the ride, but declined to be in the photo!

Monday, July 22, 2013


 It was another 'super' full moon tonight, and I went to Cathi's house to photograph it over the lake.

It was supposed to rise just before sunset, but since we were down in a valley, it took longer for it to come over the ridge. We had plenty of time to get ready.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


 View from my tent.
 Our campsite after we packed up.
 Such a lovely place!
 The Grey Wolf River next to camp.

And, finally, a short time at the Lavender Fest before catching the ferry home!


 Hiking the Dungeness Spit - 5.5 miles each way. Started at the bluff.

 View from the top of the lighthouse, looking back along the full length of the spit at the Olympic Mtns.

 Guess we have to go back.

Reached the bluff as the sun is going down - just a little further to the car.

Friday, July 19, 2013


 The Dungeness Wildlife Refuge, where the campground was full!
 Driving along Forest Service road 2880 - daisies in full bloom!
 View to the west.
Our campsite at Dungeness Forks forest service campground.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Fun times in the bathtub, although sadly, not for long for one of the parties!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


 A colorful sunset, through the camera's telephoto lens. Below is the same view at the other end of the lens. I find it interesting how the camera perceives the colors, depending on the exposure settings. A field of study that I haven't even begun to decipher!

And a different exposure, with Apollo posing on the deck railing for me. Who cares when I'm surrounded with this beauty?

Monday, July 15, 2013


I've tried for years to get a nice shot of the swallows as they fly, and discovered today that the key to success is to meet them on their own level. Before, I went out and sat in the lawn. Today I was standing on my upper deck, and the lightbulb went off! These violet-greenbacked swallows were chasing all the other birds away from the deck - I think their nest is in the eaves above me, but I couldn't see it. They were very active and vocal! 
Elsewhere, I found a little blue feather sticking upright in some mulch beside the road.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


My jasmine vine is blooming like crazy, and the blossoms smell SOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! I go out there and just stand with my head buried in the bush and inhale.....and exhale.....and inhale.....
along with the bees..... 
Next to it is the wisteria, which also bloomed fragrantly earlier. I love this little double twist of the vine. 
While above, the swallows love to sit on the tip of the flagpole and sing their heart out. This area is just a feast for the senses!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Whidbey Island bounty!

Crabbing season is upon us, and Blair and Russ went out, and brought me some of the harvest! Cathi also shared some of her harvest - home-growed lettuce, radish and squash. I had an excellent dinner, and enjoyed it out on the lawn swing. With Apollo.

FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013

A trip into downtown Seattle! After sitting in stand-still traffic for a couple of hours, we finally arrived at our destination: the Northwest Woodworkers Gallery. Sue Skelly is the 'spotlight' artist this month, and tonight was her reception. 
She had a lot of new work - so varied, really creative, loverly! She works in cedar - on the wall is a woven piece with natural and dyed cedar bark, and on the stand is a giant pincushion that she created from cedar root, cherry bark and cedar. She carved the needles from cedar wood, finding pieces with knot-holes. She also spun the cedar bark into "thread". We especially loved the shadows of the needles!
This was a very big event for her, and she was very glad of all the support from the folks who came. Many came from the Guild, too. 
Afterwards, a few of us went out for some dinner at a near-by pub, the Local 360. They had an interesting menu, and everything was very tasty. 
They had these wonderful drippy candles set around, and smaller ones on the tables.
Walking back to the car, we caught glimpses of the Space Needle here and there, glowing in the sunset. It was a fun evening, despite the traffic!