
Saturday, July 13, 2013

FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013

A trip into downtown Seattle! After sitting in stand-still traffic for a couple of hours, we finally arrived at our destination: the Northwest Woodworkers Gallery. Sue Skelly is the 'spotlight' artist this month, and tonight was her reception. 
She had a lot of new work - so varied, really creative, loverly! She works in cedar - on the wall is a woven piece with natural and dyed cedar bark, and on the stand is a giant pincushion that she created from cedar root, cherry bark and cedar. She carved the needles from cedar wood, finding pieces with knot-holes. She also spun the cedar bark into "thread". We especially loved the shadows of the needles!
This was a very big event for her, and she was very glad of all the support from the folks who came. Many came from the Guild, too. 
Afterwards, a few of us went out for some dinner at a near-by pub, the Local 360. They had an interesting menu, and everything was very tasty. 
They had these wonderful drippy candles set around, and smaller ones on the tables.
Walking back to the car, we caught glimpses of the Space Needle here and there, glowing in the sunset. It was a fun evening, despite the traffic!

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