
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2013
Bird Fest Activities:
1. Wood Duck Walk with Kelly at Confluence State Park, where the Wenatchee and Columbia Rivers meet. View to high desert county near Wenatchee. There is actually an Osprey sitting in the dead tree - kind of hard to see!
 Kelly is the wildlife biologist with Chelan County PUD, and she was knowledgeable and fun. There is a wood duck nest box just here, by a canal, but mama was sitting tight and didn't come out.
 We did see some wood ducks flying, but not close enough to see. We also saw lots of other birds, flowers and animals.
Like this bank of Nootka roses - smelled wonderful!

#2. Drawing Class and Nature Walk with John Ruthven, a world-renown artist, often called the modern-day Audubon.
 He told some wonderful stories, then led us on a walk along the river in Leavenworth's city park. Since bird sightings tend to happen fast, he taught us how to try and quickly capture the moment with a sketch, then take some photos, so we could create a nice drawing later.
 He had a great time!
 His favorite part was seeing all of the merganser ducks on the far shore.
Later, we watched a pair of kingfishers hunt and perch on some pilings.

#3. Feathered Architects with Idie Ulsh. An interesting slide show and talk about nests and who makes what kind.

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