
Saturday, March 31, 2012

 We went on a "Green" Home tour, and one of the driveways went past this lake, where the heron was fishing next to the driveway, and didn't care a bit about a car full of giggling photographers hanging out the windows.
 Later, at my friend's house, we watched a bit of sun shining through the clouds and the eagle and sea gull enjoying the wind.

Friday, March 30, 2012

 More spring flowers and rain. The scented hyacinth are just beginning to open and waft their fragrant scents along the pathway. And some miniature tulips are popping up, too!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

 Our run of sunny weather is really at an end now! Yesterday was a bit damp, but today is drenched, as witnessed by the salmonberry blossom above and the beaten-down daffodils below. The good news is that spring continues to inch along with the early bloomers. I hadn't been in the woods for a while, and didn't notice the salmonberries beginning to bloom, until I stopped to get a shot of the daffodils, and saw some pink petals lying on the ground nearby.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

 Apollo and I stood on the deck and watched this brazen hussy feeding under the apple tree. She wasn't too concerned about us! Obviously there isn't anything to eat except new grass, but you can see how the deer keep the lower branches of the tree pruned! The apple trees are the dwarf variety, so it is a constant challenge to keep the trees pruned low enough so that I can reach the apples, yet high enough so the deer can't!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

The waxing crescent moon and Venus making a great show tonight just after sunset. This is the closest they will get to each other. Jupiter is supposed to be below them, but between the clouds and the trees, I couldn't find him.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Since it's been sunny and warmish, I've kept the door open a bit so the kitties can come and go. But it looks like I'm not the one who decides who comes and goes! Here's Tookers and Apollo playing pat-a-cake through the door.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

 More sunny-spring-day photos - I actually spent most of the day working in the garden, pruning and cleaning out the beds. This is my tortured willow tree - it has cultivated quite a lean the past couple of years, so I have tied it to try and get it back upright.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Another sunny day - the crocus liked it enough to open up a bit!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

 Ahhhhhh, the warmth of the sun shining in through the glass door . . . Apollo relaxes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

 I took the kitties out for a little walk to the edge of the woods - coming back across the lawn was pretty scary - better go as fast as you can!
 Apollo wanders down the trail.
 Even though we all three went out there together, they kept being scared of each other.
That's one big fluffy tail! But at least he's safely back at the house!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

first day of spring
  Just some of the colors of the first day of spring: yellow forsythia,
 pink plum blossom,
 purple crocus and grape hyacinth.
A nice cozy nap in a lap, but still keeping an eye on things.

MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2012
Photos of my baskets, the 'Stilted Totemic' and the 'Star Pillow'. 
 With some kitty commentary.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

 After clean-up at Retreat, I stopped by Sue's house - she lives between the camp and the ferry, and I had not been there. I was so glad to be able to spend the afternoon with her, and we had a really good time. She showed me some of the special places on her property - these photos are of an old burn-out snag. It is huge, and is dry inside, where it feels like a different world. Sounds are hushed, and the old cedar seems to hug you.
 The charred inside is also home to mosses and lichens.

My class today was with Cass Schorsch, and we made 'Stilted Totemic' baskets with birch bark and basswood legs. Mine is the one on the right, another student's on the left, and Cass's sample if we wanted to make a hanging basket instead of legs.
 The evening's big event is the live auction, and George was a wonderful auctioneer. Sheila was his lovely assistant. Here he is drawing the winning ticket for the raffle basket, which Sheila is holding. Massy is our Guild president, and also the chair of the Retreat committee. Below is a fabulous quilt made by someone's friend and donated to the Guild. There was quite a bidding war going on for this!

 It snowed all morning, but by afternoon turned to rain and melted. But it was lovely while it lasted! Behind Sheila is Madsen Lodge.
 This is the cabin I stayed in. We walked between the cabins and the lodges - on the left is South Lodge, where the Gallery is, and several of the classes are held.
 A view of Lake Flora from South Lodge.
 The other big event was the planting of a tree in memory of Mary Irvine, who died last December. She was very beloved, and put countless hours into the Guild, and was a wealth of knowledge. The Camp allowed us to plant a Yellow Cedar by the Labyrinth.
 Massy dug the hole, and I had donated the tree - it was one that Sue, Ginnie and I had gathered while berry picking one year, and I had had it in a pot for a few years, so it was very good to find a home for it.
Amazingly, the sun came out while we were there.

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012
 The big event on Fridays is the Gallery Gala! This year is our 30th anniversary, and there was cake and ice cream. We also get to see a wonderful display of the work of all our members - we are continually amazed at how talented we are!

 Ginnie in front, and Miriam and her cousin Lynn standing by Ginnie's jewelry display during the market. Ginnie only came for today, and she was very pleased with her sales!
 Ginnie, Miriam and me at the Gala.
 Earlier, my class with Jackie Abrams. We were making a Star Pillow basket with strips of watercolor paper that Jackie had painted.
 Some of my classmates hard at work.
 And, they're still working on the cedar hats. A few will work late into the night and get theirs done, while the others will take them home and finish there.

We had a pleasant sun break in the late afternoon, and Ginnie and I sat out by the lake for a while.