
Sunday, March 18, 2012

My class today was with Cass Schorsch, and we made 'Stilted Totemic' baskets with birch bark and basswood legs. Mine is the one on the right, another student's on the left, and Cass's sample if we wanted to make a hanging basket instead of legs.
 The evening's big event is the live auction, and George was a wonderful auctioneer. Sheila was his lovely assistant. Here he is drawing the winning ticket for the raffle basket, which Sheila is holding. Massy is our Guild president, and also the chair of the Retreat committee. Below is a fabulous quilt made by someone's friend and donated to the Guild. There was quite a bidding war going on for this!

 It snowed all morning, but by afternoon turned to rain and melted. But it was lovely while it lasted! Behind Sheila is Madsen Lodge.
 This is the cabin I stayed in. We walked between the cabins and the lodges - on the left is South Lodge, where the Gallery is, and several of the classes are held.
 A view of Lake Flora from South Lodge.
 The other big event was the planting of a tree in memory of Mary Irvine, who died last December. She was very beloved, and put countless hours into the Guild, and was a wealth of knowledge. The Camp allowed us to plant a Yellow Cedar by the Labyrinth.
 Massy dug the hole, and I had donated the tree - it was one that Sue, Ginnie and I had gathered while berry picking one year, and I had had it in a pot for a few years, so it was very good to find a home for it.
Amazingly, the sun came out while we were there.

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