
Sunday, May 23, 2010

No new photos today - I still have some I want to share from yesterday at the Penn Cove Water Festival. Above, the sun was surrounded by a sun-dog, caused, of course, by water! Below, the start of the 11-woman canoe race.

One of the women's canoes, and another below.

One of the artists, Russell Morton, was working on an incredible beaded tapestry which is over 10 feet long, depicting and titled "Four Seasons of Water", or 4H2O. He estimates about 10 years, and he is about halfway along. The finished piece will be mounted on a drum 5' tall, and 5' in diameter - a small model can be seen on the tapestry. It is entirely created with tiny seed beads sewn onto a heavy cotton fabric. His website is www.corndogspirit.com.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Louie,

    I got Russell Morton's website to come up in Firefox. Just cut and pasted the link from your blog.
