
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lots of wildlife when you look closely: a couple of spider balls hatched, although the one below seemed reluctant to disperse. The larger one above, when I gently blew on it, sent tiny spiders in all directions: then they hurried back to the main group. Maybe tomorrow they'll venture off on their own.
The bees were busy in the thyme - so busy I had a hard time catching one of them! Nearby, one of our native Northwestern Alligator lizards sunned on the block wall. There were a couple scooting for cover when I approached, but this one is a neonate, meaning recently born, and was slow enough that I was able to get a shot of it. These lizards bear live young, and get to about 4" long. Cory and Cody used to capture them every summer and keep them in tanks. They're usually pretty sluggish, so the boys would wear them on their shoulders. Until they escaped, which was inevitable! The cats would try to get them, but their tales are designed to come off when they're stressed, so the cats would end up with a wiggling tale, and I still find dried up lizard bodies behind furniture!

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