
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No photo today - we went to the Hospital for an appointment with the Speech and Swallowing therapist. She was very pleased with David's progress in both areas, and gave him some exercises for his tongue and mouth, and instructions to practice enunciating the sounds of the alphabet. She also encouraged him to continue experimenting with different foods to see what he can chew and swallow, which was great news. We were so excited, we found a buffet-style restaurant where he could get small amounts of all kinds of food, and had a great time experimenting. He has been having a hard time thinking of enough foods to have variety in his menu, so this was wonderful. We had a lot of fun, and ate way too much!

1 comment:

  1. Louie, I am so glad that David is progressing well. You have been in my thoughts. Sending Love
