
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rain again all night, cloudy but dry during the day, with (very) occasional sunbreaks. Above, fungi on a mossy log.
Mossy trees backlit in the swamp. The woods were dark and drippy, but those little brown birds were chip-chip-chipping in the tree tops. The owl was calling in the distance. And, of course, the ubiquitous little red squirrel was scolding from it's tree. The woods are full of life.
Mossy birch tree growing horizontally at the edge of the swamp.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

After several dry days, it has begun raining again, mostly overnight, with light misting rain during the day. So I was treated to a lovely rainbow in the parking lot next to my car, as oil drips float on water puddles.
Interesting to see the color gradations - now I wish I had taken more really close photos to study it better.
We got our copies of the Red and Blue Color Photo Art Journals. We did Green and Yellow last month, and Violet and Orange will finish the series next month. So much fun!!
One of my photos on the right.
Both of these are my photos.
Mine on the right.
Mine on the left - a picture of Cory's car!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday Art Day! Most everyone was there. The heaths and heathers are blooming - this one was along the sidewalk, nice and full.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sweet Darby came to visit today . . .
. . . can I please come in?
Where's Dad???

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

High tide at Holmes Harbor attracts a flock of seagulls behind these three crows on the beach.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Loads of rain last night, but it cleared out today, although very windy. Still warmer than normal for January. The moon rose early, here viewed through bare alder branches.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm working on violet photos for a color Photo Art Journal, and remembered a pin I had made 9 years ago. It was a Make It & Take It class at Convergence 2000 with my sister Cris, taught by Anita Luvera Mayer. Her description: "Your Purple Heart: every woman gives beyond the call of duty. Select a piece of purple fabric and make a heart-shaped pin with embellishments of ribbons, beads, and stamping. Each heart will carry a message about the person who made it."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A little spot of sun late in the day - the brightness of the ferns caught my eye through the dark woods.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Mary Anne Radmacher is moving her studio into this space in Freeland!
From the ferry at sunset (4:30!!) the sun lit the snow-topped peaks of the Cascades - I believe Whitehorse is the mountain at center.
Looking south toward the Sound, the tip of Whidbey Island, Possession Point, on the right. The cloud layers were unique - the lower dark layer appeared to have rain squalls hanging below it, but they didn't reach the ground.
And, for my entertainment, a brand-new truck vs. SUV. The truck owner apparently left it in neutral and went upstairs. As the ferry slowed to dock, the truck, which was parked beside and behind me, started rolling, rolling, rolling, and finally stopped, embedded in this lady's bumper. Ouch!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A bit of sun again today! While enjoying the pondside, I heard a 'chirrup' behind me. Turning the camera slowly, I watched as this curious squirrel ran up the log and jumped to the stump, where he has obviously spent much time eating fir cones.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Freeland Park was under water this afternoon! It is the season of extreme high tides, and apparently the water flowed over the berm and flooded the playground. The tide was lower when I was there, but the water has no-where to drain. The purple dinosaur seemed especially sad . . .

Monday, January 18, 2010

I found this small stump sporting these amazing shelf bracken. It was odd that none of the other dead trees or stumps nearby had any growing on them. Makes me wonder what conditions are just right for this fungi?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I went Geocaching with Sally, Jenny and Laura today. We had a blast! From the website, you can download the latitude and longitude location of a hidden object, then you take your GPS units and zero in and find it! Sometimes, it's a tupperware box hidden in a bush,

or set inside a water meter,
or tucked in between rocks in a retaining wall. Inside is a log of some sort that you can sign, and many of them have fun little objects that you can take, if you leave one in it's place.
Of course, you want to check your shoes for the occasional doggie leftover . . .
Jenny and Laura examine the contents of a large box.
This one had an 'easy' button that was triggered to say "That was easy!" when you open the box!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

We awoke to a perfectly clear sky, and I eagerly awaited the sun's arrival. It was spectacular, glinting off the melted overnight frost and bedewed spider webs,
and raying out through the mist and trees.
Later, on a little hike, I came across a log of orange slime.
Spectacular in it's own way . . .

Friday, January 15, 2010

After a very wet, rainy morning, afternoon brought partial clearing. The woods, however, was dripping . . . above, alder catkins begin showing bright red, and proved able to hold the raindrops.
The pond is surrounded by lichen-covered trees and branches, dripping into the still water.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Although he's been gone more than a year, I will often come across a reminder of our dog, Buzz, when I wander the woods. He always loved running through the woods with his ball, stick or toy, but as often as not, he would drop it to pursue some other temptation, then forget where he left it. I noticed this tennis ball (a favorite by far) on the side of the trail, quietly growing moss and moldering in the fall leaves.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Northwest Basketry Guild meeting was tonight. Bill Roeder brought the basket he made and donated to the Raffle in March. It is skeined willow, which he grows, harvested, prepared and wove in the traditional German manner. Exquisite!
The program was Jill's (at right) discussion about collecting baskets from around the world, and she brought many amazing examples.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Candace and Audrey ready to dig into their lemon tart!
The desserts were awesome!
The Potato Peel Pie from this month's book, "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society".
Our Book Women group had the annual dinner out. As usual, we ate way too much, but had a great time none-the-less.