
Sunday, January 17, 2010

I went Geocaching with Sally, Jenny and Laura today. We had a blast! From the website, you can download the latitude and longitude location of a hidden object, then you take your GPS units and zero in and find it! Sometimes, it's a tupperware box hidden in a bush,

or set inside a water meter,
or tucked in between rocks in a retaining wall. Inside is a log of some sort that you can sign, and many of them have fun little objects that you can take, if you leave one in it's place.
Of course, you want to check your shoes for the occasional doggie leftover . . .
Jenny and Laura examine the contents of a large box.
This one had an 'easy' button that was triggered to say "That was easy!" when you open the box!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this has gotten so you hear about it all the time! My son goes a lot, always looking for new ones. It is really amazing how many there are.
    He has put some of my very small basketry items into a few that were a challenge to get to.

    He hasn't taken me yet, I guess I need to tag along. It has been a great way for him to learn to use his new GPS.
