
Monday, May 12, 2008

They've been wondering where all the honey bees are this spring - well, today they're in my honeysuckle privets. They are buzzing everywhere, landing briefly on each tiny flower, then carooming madly off to another branch. They have an orange stripe on their backs - not sure what type they are.
These shrubs are my favorites - they are evergreen, with nice shiny leaves. The first year twigs are purplish red. The flowers are pretty inconspicous - kind of greenish-white, tiny little things on the underside of the branch. But the bees appear to love them. And, best of all, they turn into luscious purple berries in the fall, which the birds like. And I like that they're small, and you have to get down and close to enjoy them.
Growing nearby is the euphorbia. Such a strange flower! Not only is it an odd chartruese color, but the shape is not flower-like, either. The stems are deep red, adding to the contrast. They provide a spot of interest in my garden.

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