
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A trio of crows - how many does it take to make a murder of crows? They were at the beach as the sun was going down, since the tide was low. They chased the seagulls away from their pickings, then flew up into the trees to discuss it. They weren't too happy with me being there, either.
As I was getting into position to take their pictures, I looked over and saw this alder catkin and new leaf budding out. You can really see the reddish tint that the catkins take on - from a distance the whole tree looks red. But soon enough they will drop off, and the leaves will swell into a translucent chartreuse before they firm up and turn a solid darker green.
I'm reading Rachel Carson again after 40 years. Her words are very inspiring; I want to do as she says, and recreate the wonder of nature's changes every day. Look far, and look close. You see the indomitable spirit in the tree that has taken root on this abandoned dock washed ashore.

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