
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Today was just amazing - sunny, clear and warm. It started out foggy, though - here's the sun through the fog from my deck.

And here's some shafts of sunlight shining through the trees. I had to drive up the Island to Oak Harbor, and it was so beautiful. I took the scenic routes along the water.
Mt. Baker was so clear I just had to find a place to pull over. Every turn of the road brought another great view! These are mussel rafts in Penn Cove, which produce mussels sold across the country. You can see the moon, too.

After finishing my errands in Oak Harbor, I took a little hike at Joseph Whidbey State Park. There is a loop trail through a wildlife viewing area. Since it was the middle of the day, I didn't see much. One little Douglas squirrel, who objected mightily to having his picture taken. A couple of eagles sitting in the top of a tree, quietly chirping to each other. And some redwing blackbirds singing in the swamp.

And, to end the day, the setting sun, from Ebey's Landing.

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