
Thursday, January 25, 2007

OK - so this may be cheating a little! I had to take a bunch of photos of this little building for a new job. It is actually located in a nursery, but has been vacant for a number of years. The owner wants to add an upper floor with office space, and remodel the lower floor into an employee lounge and restrooms. It will be a bit of a challenge, as you can see! But don't we love challenges??

On a sadder note, a good friend of ours lost his home to a fire. Of course you always hear about house fires on the news, but when it hits someone close to you, it's a lot scarier. Luckily, he got out without injury, and no one else was home at the time. But, he lost everything, the most important being his photo albums and mementoes. The community rallies really fast, though - he has already been given more clothes than he had owned before the fire! And countless offers of places to stay, temporary and permanent. He has always been the one to support his family and friends, and now we get the chance to help him.

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