
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It was sunny and nice again today, and as I worked, I would look out and enjoy it. Then, all of a sudden, it was sunset, and I hadn't been outside! I jumped up and put on my shoes, and Buzz knows that's the signal for "going for a walk", so he started dancing around.

In the front garden, the wisteria has been trying to get to the light by climbing up over the roof. The bare branches looked so interesting against the twilight, I just couldn't resist this shot. Then I took another with the flash on, and it's almost like a negative!

A couple more steps in the garden, and the bulbs are pushing their way up through the soil. I see that someone is nibbling on the crocus leaves - I hope they leave it long enough to bloom!

The fat leaves are the hyacinth - these are all white, and smell heavenly.

Then Buzz and I took a brisk walk down the driveway and back - the moon is almost full, and it cast plenty of light.

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