
Saturday, January 20, 2007

It was finally sunny and warmish - perfect for a tromp in the woods. This is a seasonal stream flowing into a peat bog. During the winter it fills up with water, and gradually dries up in the summer, leaving a mat of vegetation that you can walk on. The transition between the woods and the bog is thick with willow and brush - almost impossible to force your way through!

We did get a lot of trees down in that transition zone - here are a couple of leaners. The birch tree will survive - it is actually growing from a downed tree. And if you look at the stream photo above, far left in the middle is a leaning tree - that's this one from a different angle.

It was great to be out there with my dog, Buzz. He has so much fun racing around, and loves to play in the water. He gets way more exercise than I do! I like to follow the trails every week, and see what is changing, and who has been there. The deer leave well-traveled trails, but you have to look close for signs of the coyotes. We have lots of birds, too - I startled quite a few pairs of mallards, and saw signs of the pileated woodpeckers working some of the tree trunks.

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