
Monday, January 22, 2007

It sure felt like Monday today! I almost forgot to take any photos, and when I remembered, I couldn't think of what to take a picture of. I looked around, and saw this metal basket, which I just won on EBay. It was a real score - I got it for 99 cents! When I bid I didn't realize how big it is - it's 11 inches across, heavy and strongly made. It is silver plate, and looks pretty old, but no way to really tell. I love the symmetry of this photo.

I have a collection of wire and metal baskets, mostly antiques, so I'm often looking for that great deal. Just since I've been collecting them, the thrift stores have started charging more for this kind of thing. How do they know? Anyway, here is another view of it, next to a needlepoint pillow I made years ago.

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