
Thursday, January 11, 2007

An absolutely beautiful day! It snowed yesterday, and our Guild meeting was cancelled, as well as really fouling up the traffic in Seattle. Today dawned clear and sunny, but will stay frozen. We got about an inch of snow - just enough to enjoy, but it shouldn't make the roads too bad.
Buzz, of course, loves the snow, and condescended to pose for me. This is one of David's arbors - he's glad to have work he can do inside the shop today!
The big news, though - they found Cody's car! It was in an apartment complex near where he lives, and it was full of other people's mail. Apparently they were using it to steal mail. And, they painted it black. He doesn't know if they've messed up the motor, although he said it was smoking when he drove it home. So, while we're glad it was found, we'll have to wait and see what kind of shape it's in.

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