
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

 The moon is setting later and later in the morning, since the sun is up, the sky is light, and it's easier to get a good exposure. This is 2 days after the full. A nice way to start the morning.
My neighbor's Beauty Bush is in full purple berry!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Thrift store score of the week! I found an eight-gallon stainless steel heavy duty stock pot - it will be perfect for brewing beer and whatever else I might need 8 gallons of!! Now I can get rid of some of those other pots that are too big for regular cooking, but not big enough for brewing.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

 Sunset from Greenbank Farm, looking west.
 Looking east.
 And, finally, the full moon, the super moon, the eclipse. We all waited for the moon to rise, but there was a haze over the mountains, so we didn't even see the moon until it was this high. The eclipse was almost at totality!
 As the sky darkened, the reddish color became more apparent.
A long exposure with an airplane tracking red lights above the moon.
 Later still, back at home, the eclipse is finishing up.


 Pretty kitty in the spotlight - gotta take advantage of that sun whenever you can!

Friday, September 25, 2015

My latest favorite hard cider.
 Our local grocery store had a "Hats Off to Our Customers" event, complete with hot dogs and hamburgers, and a Hat Contest. Cathi entered her "Stack-O-Hats".
 Top Hatters danced and 'whistled' - very silly!
 Cathi and Sarah
 Sarah's pumpkin hat - she was getting tickled!

 More of the hats

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

 Autumn Equinox very early this morning - now the days are shorter than the nights. 
Our Vine Maple tree is beginning to show color.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

 Got down in the woods in time to catch the late afternoon sun slanting through the leaves.
 That hint of fall is in the air!
 And on the ground, with lolly-pop mushrooms,
 and teeny-tiny stark white ones growing in a fir cone.

Got my very first pair of prescription glasses. They are the progressive tri-focals, and are taking a bit of getting used to, but already have made many things perfectly clear! No more taking-on-and-off of the reading glasses! They're nice lightweight metal frames.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

 Pileated Woodpecker is working over my apples! Well, I'd much rather feed them, and besides, I can't reach those tree-top apples anyway!
He came back later, and I was able to get a little closer. Here, he is hanging onto a lower branch and an upper branch. He kept pecking at the apples, and they kept moving around, so he wasn't getting very far! But he is persistent!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

 The Barred Owl was back, sitting in a tree at the edge of the lawn. She didn't seem too concerned, but eventually my presence was too much, and she flitted to another tree.

Got to the Basket Guild meeting a bit early, so took a little walk around the neighborhood. A conveniently placed bench on top of Phinney Ridge gave views of Green Lake and the Cascade Mountains beyond.

Monday, September 7, 2015

 Rambled down in the woods to check on any damage from the storm - amazingly, nothing large came down! Cory and his faithful machete helped clear the trails.
 The swamp is showing signs of the coming fall - below, the skunk cabbage has just about given up for the season.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

 I have always loved the combination of sunlight and water drops!

You know it's almost fall.....
 I had to go to Burlington, and decided to find someplace for a little walk. The Skagit Airport has a nice little handicap-accessible trail system.
 I chose the library's trail, and got to see the story unfold on the signs along the way.
 Some wetlands
 Wild rosehips
 The drainage system along the road, with checkdams keeping the water from raging.
 Further along the drive home, I stopped at a beach access to eat a sandwich and watch the weather.
 There was some quite dramatic rain showers moving along the San Juan Islands.
Even had a quick visit from some blackfish, and in a photo I didn't get, I saw some brown pelicans.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

 My Scouler's willow is finally coming apart. The first of the multiple trunks has tipped over, and Cory and Noah are helping it come all the way down.
 It's near the house, but this one wasn't close enough to touch. However, a couple of the other trunks could hit the house if they fall that way, but it would mostly be the branches near the top, so probably wouldn't cause much trouble. Still, I'm hoping to find someone with a bit of talent to fell the tree in the other direction.
The boys chopped partway through, then the trunk twisted as it fell off, creating this interesting view!