
Monday, August 24, 2015

 My book group had an outing in Seattle, the Ballard neighborhood. We just bopped around, shopping and eating and enjoying a rainy day! Our last stop was at the fish ladder at the Ballard Locks.
 It was late evening, just before they closed for the night, and suddenly the lights popped on at the administration building, as Cathi started over the lock bridge.
 The crewman was motioning a boat into place in the lock, while some of the group rushed for the bridge before it was closed.
 Under the fish ladders, there are viewing windows where you can watch the salmon struggle upstream. It was pretty dark under water, so my photo is kind of moody. You can see our reflections in the glass of the viewing window.
Above the fish ladders is this wave sculpture, even more interesting with the lights and shadows! It was a fun day!

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