
Sunday, August 2, 2015

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2015
 Beachcombing with Ginnie - this is west of Port Townsend, on the Straits of San de Fuca. It was a really low tide, too!
 Saw a couple of otter families fishing and dining and playing on the rocks.

 The is the area they call Glass Beach, because it was a dumping ground for many years, and all the junk got tossed over the bluff.
 Beach glass in situ.
 An old engine block - it has been eroding on the beach for who-knows-how-long, and was smoothed over by the sanding process.
 My haul, including some crockery bits, rocks and metal, and even a spark plug all smoothed over.
And saw the 'blue' moon rising from the ferry ride home!

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