
Friday, March 20, 2015

 Once again it is time for the Northwest Basket Weavers Spring Retreat! Caught the dawn ferry so I could be there bright and early, but it was rainy. I sidetracked to another camp that we are looking at for next year, and as I was parked next to the camp, I saw this rainbow. A sign?
 I took a class today - full-turn-twining with Kay Harradine. She started the bases for us, and here I have continued the twining and joined it together. Below, students watch as Kay demonstrates.

 It rained all morning, but actually stopped for a while! This is the wet deck outside our cabin - the lake is just down the hill. I spent a fair bit of time there on the sunny days!
 I have been staying in the same cabin for several years, and last year this cherry tree was just starting to bloom. This year, it is almost done, and the retreat is actually a few days earlier. Signs of our warm winter!

The camp has a nice labyrinth that I enjoy visiting.
Next to the labyrinth, we planted a cedar tree (which I donated) in memory of a long-time Guild member. This is it's third year, and it is thriving and had lots of new growth. It would be sad to move to a new camp and leave the tree behind, but also OK.

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