
Sunday, January 25, 2015

 Last Wednesday, the support beam of my deck gave way - it was completely eaten out on the inside by deck beetles, or something! This comes from using untreated lumber outdoors.
 We knew the deck would need to come down sooner or later, and it has decided upon sooner.
 The guys came over and shored it up so we can get out on it and remove the railings and decking.
I have gotten the railings down, and am working on the decking. It needs to be pried up one nail at a time, so I intend to take my time and pick away at it. At least it is safe enough now so that it won't suddenly collapse against the house. I am not going to rebuild this part, although I will keep the deck that is around the corner of the house, since that's where the door and stairs are.
Well, it's later in the afternoon, and I've removed almost all of the decking. That's all I can do until one of the guys comes with a saw to cut off the joists, then we'll need to figure out how to get rid of the concrete footings under the posts. But, feels good to have one more step out of the way! Except I can already feel my arm muscles will be a bit sore tomorrow, from all the prying and tossing.
And now it's gone!

 Finally got down in the woods to see the damage from the winter storms we've been having. Luckily, no big trees went down, but plenty of smaller stuff. As is normal in the woods! Found a nice seat at the edge of the bog - such a tangle.
 But looking closer you can see patterns in the red huckleberry branches,
 and the cedar boughs overhead,
 and the dead leaf caught in the fir branch,
 along with a bit of a cedar leaf,
 and a leaf skeleton!


 Today was our Book Club meeting. In January we always meet at a restaurant for a bit of a change, and also so that no one has to get their house ready for a meeting after all of the hectic-ness of the holidays. This time we met at the Glass Alley in Freeland - food was great!
It was also Cathi's birthday, and she brought hats and sparkles, and the restaurant gave her a desert with a candle! We had a good time!

Cathi and I have committed to getting out at least one day a month, so here is our first outing.
 It was yet another foggy day, which later turned to a bit of rain. But, lovely in it's own way. We went to the Trillium Public Lands, where there are lots of interconnecting trails. We probably put in around 5 miles!
 Down close and personal with the moss.
 More moss!
Cathi and Tui.

Another foggy day - this is on the beach near Clinton, just north of the ferry dock. The sun is struggling to shine through the clouds.
 Further up the beach, a bluff slide swept a cabin out onto the beach. Not much left of it, and the neighbor's home will likely be condemned as well - you can see that some of the porch posts are gone, and below shows how much sand has piled up against it.
 Unfortunately, this is a fact of life living next to a bluff. The homeowners just seem to accept it. They feel living on the beach is worth the risk.

 I love these misty mornings when the sun is so low on the horizon. The deer had been scarce for a while, but today 3 of them are grazing. This is last year's fawn - she's pretty curious, and not scared of us yet.


Well, it has been more than 4 months, and I am finally getting around to posting again. I can't promise every day, but I will try to do better than every 4 months!! Thank you to anyone who is still keeping an eye on my blog. It feels good to be photographing again!

A little bit of ice left from the freezing weather a couple of weeks ago.
Apollo surprised a little bird in the grass, but it got away.