
Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014
Took a 3 day workshop, starting today. Natalie and I spent the night in Everett, and had a view of the full moon rising over the Cascade Mountains. Nice!
 The workshop was given by Sandy Webster, here showing some of her tools. Next to her is Randi, who is the owner of 'Art at the Ranch', the place where the workshop took place in Snohomish. It's her home, and the basement is full of art supplies and work stations.
 Our workshop had two parts: learn how to take colored soils and turn them into paint, and make a book. First the soils are sifted through the sieves, then ground into fine pigment with a glass muller.
 Gum arabic and a little honey are the binders which make the color permanent. At this point, the pigment was technically watercolor paint, and we scooped in into little plastic containers to dry.
 This is our worktable, and other class members. We're cutting the book board and decorative paper for our books.
 Got my pieces cut!
You can see my paper glued to my book board on the green mat at right. Next to that is Natalie, giving me the evil eye!

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