
Thursday, May 29, 2014

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014
Wish I could figure out why these won't load properly! Anyway, this is the wine I am making - blueberry. It just finished fermenting, and we bottled it. I happen to like bottles that you can open easily, even if other people think they are beer bottles! It tastes pretty good to me, and should be even better after another few months of aging. Isn't it a gorgeous color?

I will be entering a bottle in the County Fair, along with items in 17 categories. It's a special thing called the Super 17, and the goal is to win a blue ribbon in each category. There is a group of us who do this, and we meet every Wed. night to work on projects. Making this wine, quilting, art projects, baskets - the list of things to be entered is endless!

There are categories in Food and Plants, too, so I am growing some vegetables, and will need to do some baking, candy making, preserving, and more! Fun!

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