
Sunday, April 27, 2014

 I found this book, Earthen Pigments, by Sandy Webster,  and thought it sounded like fun to collect colored earth from places I visit, as well as around my home. Who doesn't like to play in the mud?? Below you see some of my samples drying, and above is one that already dried, and I have started sifting it. It went through the larger screen first, then on the paper is what has passed through the finer screen. I'll add some type of medium to the powder to create watercolor paint - can't wait to see how it turns out.
 These samples I found on my recent trip to La Push - on Third Beach there was a recent landslide, and all of these different colors were there.
On another note, the apartment over my garage is done, and we have renters ready to move in at the end of May. It will be nice to have someone here, both financially and personally. And the apartment just feels good! Looks very cute, too!

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