
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tonight is the night before the "Super Moon", and since the sky was fairly clear (for once) I headed out to find a good spot to watch it rise. I chose the Freeland Park, and was rewarded with an amazing sunset. I loved how the sun set behind one cloud, and turned it into rainbow colors.
 I made a little panorama of the cool clouds at sunset. But in the east, where the moon was rising, was a bank of clouds, and I couldn't see the moon. So I moved on.
 Driving up the highway I saw the moon peeking out from the clouds, and went to the Double Bluff beach. In another panorama, the apres-sunset pink clouds are reflected in a tide pool.
 And finally the moon showed itself! By now, though, it was high, so I missed the actual rising, where it would have appeared the largest. Still, it was amazingly lovely, especially with the reflections. I sat and just watched.

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