
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

 85 two days ago, now we'll be lucky if it gets to 45! AND it snowed overnight! The poor flowers are gathering their leaves around them and shivering!

 It was the Medina Spinning & Weaving Guild's Retreat day at Furnace Run Park. A very nice facility. There was a circle of spinning wheels, and Cris is working on the leaf dying table.
 Silk pieces and piles of dye plants.
 Unwrapping the bundles after they were steamed for an hour.
Another dye project used silk scarves and craft tissue - quick and easy and very colorful! 
 Cris, Becky and I walked the trails in the cold, and it snowed on us off and on. This is a dogtooth violet - can't quite bring itself to open fully in the cold!
 Black cohosh.
The Daffodil Trail.

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