
Sunday, March 3, 2013

 And when I went by on my way back to Seattle this morning, it was all gone! Dang! I wanted to get a photo of the ferry on the barge!
 This is the basketweaving project I am helping on. It is an installation piece for a building complex in Seattle, and will be cast in bronze.
 The artist is an interesting guy named Whiting. He actually took basketry classes to learn how to work with the material, and has built all the structure. He came to one of our Guild meetings to see if anyone would be interested in helping, AND he's paying us! Mary is one of my friends in the Guild.
 You can see how tall it is, and it will be hollow in the center for plantings. Can't wait to see it in place, but it will be several months.
Whiting's studio space is in a warehouse in Ballard, right next to the boat ramp. Love the reflections!

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