
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Spring!
My version of coloring eggs this year - after boiling them, I cracked all the shells and poured pickled beet juice over them.
 After sitting for a few hours, I peeled them to reveal pretty pink marbling!
 Then I made them into delightful deviled eggs with a new recipe - using Greek yogurt instead of mayo. They are very good - much lighter, but with that tang from the yogurt. They are a bit more bland, and I added more mustard than I used to, but it could use even more, and maybe some more pepper, too.
 Sadly, after sitting in the fridge a while, the pink sort of soaked into the whites, and you couldn't see all the lines. But the whites were now a pale pink, so still a fun Eostre dinner. We also had our now-traditional ham and french toast meal, with steamed asparagus spears. Yum!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I glanced out the window to see a large lump sitting next to the fire hydrant that marks Buzz-dog's resting place, which turned out to be a dozing doe.
 When I came out to get her picture, she woke up and watched for a while.
 When I got too close, she slowly got up and ambled away. I guess the deer like to laze in the sun, too!

Friday, March 29, 2013

OK, Everyone! I have FINALLY gotten all of my blog posts updated, so check back to March 14 and see all of my Retreat pictures. I had a great time, but now am really enjoying a bit of sun and warmer weather!
 The Big Leaf Maple buds are full to bursting with spring-time goodness!
While below them, the hellebores in Barb's garden are lush and gorgeous!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring is really here - the salmonberry with it's delicate pink is blooming. The first berries of the year.
 The red huckleberry will be much later - for now, the new leaves are unfurling.
And Cory walks the swamp with his machete.


Lucius felt safer in my basket, until Apollo came near. Then he hunkered down and growled. Poor Apollo - the growling just drives him crazy.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Apollo on a rock, enjoying the slightly warmer weather with me.

And the willow catkins are maturing.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The days are becoming beautiful, with lovely clouds and a bright sun.
Another bright orb!
SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2013
 I worked with Whiting on his art installation yesterday and today. It's coming along, but there is still a lot to do Mary has also been coming most weekends, so it's nice to have her to help work out some of the details.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Another trip over the ferry to weave with Whiting. Sun shining across the water, and the mountains in full bloom.

Friday, March 22, 2013

 Well, two days after the Equinox, we have our first snowfall of the past winter! Obviously spring was already well entrenched!
 It started with some healthy hail, then began to snow in earnest.
 Final tally was over 2 inches here, but a couple of miles north they had over 5 inches!
 Even the deer were caught off-guard - here the doe has snow on her back.
It was lovely, but had all melted away by late afternoon. 
Spring in the Northwest!
Making a quick trip to Everett for a meeting, and the clouds over Everett were spectacular!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I brought in some forsythia to brighten the week!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The other class I took at Retreat - making a Japanese leaf-shaped scoop. We made the light one in class, then I worked on the colored one during the ferry rides home. I still have to finish the knot. I love the graceful shapes - the Japanese would likely serve sweets on a tray like this.

Monday, March 18, 2013

This is the "Undulating Twill Tray" class that I took at Retreat. We used clear cedar spokes and dyed weavers in different widths to create the pattern. The twill pattern was challenging, but if you can follow a chart pattern, it wasn't too bad. The rim was what took the longest! But I like how it came out.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The lake was amazing this morning - perfectly still except where the ducks floated silently past through the mist.

 The pale sunrise is reflected in the clear waters.
 My class today is Flo Hoppe's Japanese Leaf Scoop. A quick and fun project - you'll see the finished tray later!
 My roommate Asa working on hers, while Flo helps David.
 And then, Retreat is over for another year! Riding the Edmonds ferry, I watched as some folks to the south got some rain!

 South Lodge, with three large classes going on - top, Sheila Wray and Elaine Twogood's Zig-Zag Twill, left, Sheila Tasker's backpack, and bottom, Flo Hoppe's Techniques class.
 Kathey Ervin's cedar hat class, day two.
 The display shelves where students can show the baskets they just made in class.
 Renee and Massy model cedar visors made in Jo Ann Hart's class.
 David Chambers is drawing the winning ticket for the basket he made for the raffle. Massy is holding the basket of tickets, and George is the emcee.
Heidi with her new hat, and Sue.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2013
Today I didn't have a class, and I worked on the Gallery set-up with Sue. Here is Karen checking out one of the display tables. Below, people and classes during the day.
 David and Mary
Dorothy, Polly and Karen
 Kathey Ervin's cedar hat class.
 Polly and Heidi
 Jill with the cedar-covered toilet seat - a joke for Flo Hoppe.
 Nadine Spier's pine needle class.
Sheila Tasker's backpack class.