
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Windy and scattered clouds. I just happened to glance outside in time to see this contrail appearing and disappearing behind the low dark clouds, while being lit by the setting sun.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A little bit of sun between the cloudy days, it even felt kind of warm-ish! I loved how the sun fell just on the mushroom stem on this mossy log.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Found a willow starting it's spring pussy-footing, and since it was growing in a place where I didn't particularly want it, I felt free to cut at will. Now they are gracing my entry table.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Quite a pretty day! This view is to the Olympic Mts, and at their feet you can just see a bit of the waters of Puget Sound, or, as it has been recently renamed, the Salish Sea. I always love seeing those lenticular clouds, and, of course, the sun!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Here are two of the projects that I got finished during yesterday's weave-in. Both were woven up the sides and only needed rims and finish, so, I did that! Above, I had a lovely piece of peeled cedar root, and Mary Auld valiently split it for me - it came out perfect! 
 The bell is waxed linen, and also needed the rim finished. I have two other projects that I worked on, but they each have a little bit left, so more photos of them later! Such a feeling of accomplishment!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Went to a birthday weave-in at Karen's house. She and I are both turning 60 this year! Mary Ann brought a mocha cake - yum!
 There were about 10 of us, and it was so nice to sit and be able to talk together. Guild meetings and Retreat are the only other times we see each other, mostly, and it's often too busy and loud to really visit. So this was wonderful, AND I finished several UFO's that I had brought along.
 The Cake!

Friday, February 22, 2013

 It's really windy today! I was out and about and stopped at Double Bluff beach to see the waves. Kind of hoping for some wind surfers, but nobody was doing that. There was one hardy soul with his dogs, who were having a blast chasing waves and seagulls!
The birds were trying to float, but the waves were too rough, and they had to continually fly up and down to avoid them.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Our bright sunny day is gone for a while, but there are buds a-bursting on the climbing hydrangea on my front porch. There are also a few of last year's flowers, and the remnants of the christmas lights. There is only one segment left lit up, and I hate to see them go! The colorful lights add a tiny touch of cheer and warmth to these dreary gray days.
 Inside, Lucius poses with the kitty on the entry table.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I almost forgot to get some shots of our latest Photo Art Journal. The title is "Stairs." Above is the cover, and below are some of the pages.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Haven't been getting outdoors much lately, but the clearing sky and setting sun drew me out into the cold for a couple of shots of the sky - one of the sun setting in the west, and the other of the moon rising in the east.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

One of my houseplants decided to bloom - what a nice surprise to find these vibrant red blossoms hiding in the back room! It is a kalanchoe which I got a couple of years ago. It was blooming then - in the fall, I think - but nothing since. It was completely unexpected. Still on the plant topic, my indoors tomatoe plant has begun blooming again, too, so looking forward to fresh patio tomatoes soon!
The sun came out today! Late in the afternoon it comes in my windows, and I love the shadows created by my wire basket collection. I also love this whole wall of stuff I have pinned up!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Gorgeous day! Stopped at my favorite swamp and got a nice reflection of the old snag and the blue sky.

It was Art Day at Carol's, and she showed us the book she made in a class last weekend. She learned a binding that I have been wanting to know, so I was glad to see it and see how it was done. The pages were made using several different techniques, then they were dipped in parafin. It was very cool!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Went out to see what else might be getting ready for spring, and sure enough, the willow tree is beginning to send out it's pussy toes. In the rain, of course!
 Apollo came out and got excited by the tree, so he prepared to leap up into it . . .
 . . . after climbing up the large lower limb, he suddenly jumped up to the next big limb, and proceeded to parade around up there.
 Time to come down, and he just leaped around like a squirrel!


 Had our Northwest Basket Weavers Guild meeting tonight, and the program was a gallery owner talking about how and why she collects the baskets she sells, and the ones she keeps in her home. Sue Helmke, from Snow Goose Gallery, had lots of fun things to say about her baskets. I especially loved the two large Winnebago indian baskets on the table, woven with black ash splints, some of them dyed. She is holding a large birch bark container, probably from Alaska.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Book Club meeting tonight - at Tonah's house. She and her husband are artists, and the house is a treasure-trove of wonderful surprises, and lots of color. And, she went way overboard with the goodies: she made a cheese fondue, AND dark-chocolate covered creme puffs. YUM!

The book was "Elegance of the Hedgehog," and we had a great discussion with Cathi as our leader. There is also a movie, French with subtitles, called just "Hedgehog" which is available on Netflix. Highly recommended!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Little bit of fog in the morning, then mostly sunny all day! Whoo-hoo!
Apollo enjoying sitting in the sun.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

 This the a quilt I have been working on for years, and I decided to pull it out and get it finished. The pattern is "Storm at Sea", and I have options: above is the standard layout, and below is turned 45degrees, or "on point". I love the illusions, and how different they are! But, which should I choose?

Cody posted this photo of his new haircut on Facebook, and Cris commented that he had the look of his great-grandpa Brown. So I found a photo of  him to compare - what do you think?
 Back from SoCal, where plenty of flowers were blooming. I'm looking for signs of spring around here! They don't look like much, but the hazelnuts, above, and alders, below, are the first blooms of our season. Always an encouraging sign!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

 We flew home today, and I didn't get any photos. So here are a couple of the palm trees in Cody's back yard.

And this was from last night at the Stone Brewery in Escondido, where Cody's friend Bob works. He gave us a personal tour of the brewery, and discounted food and beer!
We went to San Diego and visited the Cabrillo Nat. Monument. This is where the first European landed on the west coast of America in 1542. Above is the visitor's center with the view to San Diego.

 We toured the lighthouse,

 then visited the beach. Apparently at low tide there are some great tidepools, but it was cold, windy and high tide, so we didn't stay long!

 We passed through the Naval Air Station, and their cemetery.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

 Today we visited the mission at San Juan Capistrano, built around 1790's, earthquake in 1812. The main building was destroyed.
 But the rest of the mission is still here.

Afterwards we drove out the Ortega Highway and had a short hike to a waterfall which we explored.