
Sunday, January 6, 2013

 Another outing with Cathi O - this time to Coupeville. We started with a hike up to the top of Ebey's Bluff - it was a bit cold and windy!
But amazing views south to Fort Casey, center, and Seattle eventually on the right.
 The raptors were in heaven, soaring and gliding and hunting. This red-tail hawk would cruise up the bluff, then skid to a halt and just hang in the air, motionless. It was awesome!

Then we went to see a show and talk about floating the Grand Canyon. The lady was preparing for an all women trip this summer. Unfortunately, not on my list this year, but, sometime! It was a beautiful video, and afterwards, the rest of the gals began discussing how to pack, etc., so we left them to it. Not quite ready to call it a day, we headed to Toby's Tavern for a beer and some mussels. It was the perfect early dinner, and we were in time to watch the 4th quarter of the SeaHawk's game, during which they came from behind and won! All in all, a pretty great day!

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