
Friday, November 9, 2012

Well, it feels good to be back on schedule with a photo a day. I have to admit, when I travel or do something fun and take a lot of photos, it is a bit time consuming to go through them and prepare them. But, I'm sure you'll agree - well worth it! I do love to go back and look through the year, and of course the more photos the better.
Today I got out for a good walk - it has been clear and sunny, but cold. First frosts, etc. And with all the rain we had in the past few weeks, the swamp is filling up. There are puddles like this in over half of the swamp, and a few more good rains will begin really filling it up. In this area it will go up to the base of the trees, so it ends up being 1 - 2 feet deep. That's a lot of area, and holds a lot of water! Of course, that's why it's so green around here!

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