
Friday, August 31, 2012

 Well, as promised - the blue moon of August. I laid down in the grass for this shot of moonrise. Surprisingly, when I work up the next morning, the moon was just setting, so here is the moonset from my deck.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

It is hard to believe I have been without David for a year. Grieving is a strange process. I had no idea what to expect, and still don't. I have learned to cope with a lot, but the missing him part hasn't changed. I guess it probably never will. I am so glad to have my family and friends for support - it has made all the difference to me.

Many of his friends have taken his ashes around the country and world - one of his ECV friends took him to Machu Picchu. I have enjoyed getting the postcards back.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I signed up for a class on print making and book making. There are two teachers: Meredith, above, is the print maker, and is teaching us her techniques for our book covers. I loved it when she took out her I-Pad and started taking photos!
 Sandy is the book making part of the team, but for this session she got to play along with us.
Some of the students, and my work on the left. Next week we'll finish the covers and start the book structure.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

 Couple more nights, and it will be a blue moon! Yes, the moon was full on Aug. 2nd, and will be full again on the 31st! There will likely be full moon pics, too, but I just happened to be out there to catch moonrise this evening as the sun was setting.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Caveman borrowed a contraption to yard some logs up out of the woods. It's a chainsaw-powered winch, which he anchored to the truck. He's running the chainsaw, which is pulling out the log attached to the cable. Kind of loud, but worked!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

After seeing all the book club girls in their capri-shorts, I just had to have a pair. I found them at the thrift store - a luscious chocolate brown, mostly a light cotton with spandex! Perfect! Just hope it stays warm for a while longer . . .

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Went garage sale-ing with Barb, and found lots of little goodies. One was this storage drawer, which I painted with the last of the sparkly paint I used on my hubcaps. It was originally the turquoise color of the top drawer pull, but stained and ugly. Much improved! And, fun, to boot!

Friday, August 24, 2012

 Late summer - we're getting plenty of sun and the spiders are out in force! If you look closely you will see the spider herself, upsidedown in the middle of the web.
The driveway is dry and dusty, and I tried to capture the sunbeams through the dust, but it settled faster than I could get out of the car!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

As it usually happens, after I've done something where I take lots of photos, I have taken a day off! Sorry to be so long getting these photos up - hope you enjoy them.
We stayed in the Artist's Cottage.
 The front of the house,
 and the back - the studio is on the right.
 Our walk this morning took us to fairy land,
 where the fairies have been building their community along with Seabrook.
 Cathi wrote a story on a razor clamshell and left it with a seaweed fairy.
 One last walk along the beach - Pam watches the brown pelicans fly by.
 After we checked out, we went to the next village up the beach and had a picnic lunch. The kids were skim-boarding.
 Cathi and I drove to the end of the road at Taholah, and went on the bridge across the Quinalt River.
The ferry ride home from Port Townsend.
 Day two at the beach!
 Our craft project was a bit more involved this time, since we had 3 days. We wove book covers with cedar bark, then made pages and bound them into a book. I was thrilled that everyone finished their weaving.
 Then it was back to the beach for more sun, sand and waves.

 Cell phones didn't work at the house, so everyone caught up on their calls out here.
 A fantastic sunset. Scores of seabirds were flying over the water and resting on shore,
 until someone came along and set them aloft.
Not a very good panorama, but it does show the extent of the low tide at sunset.
My book club went on our annual retreat - this year we rented a house at Seabrook, on the ocean shore. First, we caught the ferry early in the morning, then drove out there.
 The weather was gorgeous, and the huge expanse of flat sandy beach was wonderful.
 Cathi and I took lots of photos!
 Some of the sand had sparkly flakes in it.
 The sandpipers provided endless entertainment as they probed for food, dodging the waves.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

 Well, who woulda thunkit? I won Best of Show at the county fair for my photo of three raindrops.
 My photo of a frozen icicle also won a first place!
 Then, after viewing the rest of the fair, we came back and they were putting out the Peoples' Choice awards.
And guess what? I won that , too!!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

 Today was Basket Day, and I learned how to do Teneriffe, and coil with pine needles. I actually enjoyed it very much, to my surprise! I have been avoiding coiling and pine needles for a long time, so it's good to learn.
 Our teacher Marilyn Moore and some students hard at work.
Another class going on was Katherine Lewis's willow tray - Kay finished two of them!

Friday, August 17, 2012

 Went to a wedding today - one of my "boys"!
 Beautiful little chapel, and a lovely wedding.
 Cory was the Best Man, and Andrew the Groom.
 Jon and Cory.
Cory wasn't too sure about the dance with Heather.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The madrona trees are really peeling, now! I love the colors . . .

 Found a robin's egg on the forest floor.
Early morning visitors making a hasty retreat!