
Thursday, July 19, 2012

TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2012
This is the Deschutes Brewery in Bend, OR, where we sampled lots of their beers and had a tasty dinner. Which one should I try next???
Before that, we had more good food and soaks at Breitenbush. Above is our cabin - there are a good 40 or 50 of them - some have plumbing, most do not. There is also space for camping, or you can have a room in the lodge building.
The lodge was where most folks hung out, families playing in the lawn, or sitting on the sunny deck while towels dried. Meals were served here, too.
There were several unique buildings - this one was for meditation and contemplation.
 The bridge over the River lead to trails, while a hardy soul dunked in the icy water, then went back to soak in a hot tub.
 We walked a ways up the Gorge Trail, which had several doubtful bridges over the stream.
 Part of the trail wandered through native rhododendrons, which must have been stunning when they were blooming!
 A composite view of the Devil's Hole, on Devil's Creek, which runs into the Breitenbush River.

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