
Thursday, July 19, 2012

MONDAY, JULY 16, 2012
Spent the night at Rick McClure & Cheryl Mack's lovely home.

We walked out to Trout Lake, where Rick's dog Cousie met a golden puppy. Mt. Adams fills the horizon behind Rick.
 Time for lunch at the local cafe, then Cody and I hit the road for Oregon.
An overlook along the Columbia River, looking east.
 Construction on the Hood River Bridge forced us to wait in line while out in the middle of the bridge, swaying and bouncing every time a truck came the other way. You can see Mt Hood in the distance.
 Our destination was the Breitenbush Hot Springs Resort. After a lovely drive through the Mt Hood National Forest, we got there in the afternoon, and had a first soak after a bit of exploring. All the meals are included, so after dinner Cody had a massage, and I explored a bit more. Above is the main lodge at sunset. During the day, the deck railings are completely covered with drying towels. At the top of this post is a photo from the stream, the Breitenbush River. I was sitting on a large, smooth rock with potholes in it, which reflected the sunset sky. 
The view upriver at sunset.
This cedar tree shows the healed wound where the Native Americans had stripped cedar bark years ago.

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