
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Post number 2000!!! 
AND Midsummer's Night Eve. 
How awesome is that?
Sunset from the Port Townsend ferry on Midsummer's Night Eve. The nearest headland on the right is Fort Casey.
 The low sun warms the bluff and lighthouse at Fort Casey as we got closer, with the officer's housing on the far left.
 Earlier, on the ride over to Port Townsend, it was completely cloudy, with a small bright patch to the south. The Sound was nice and calm as the ferry Kenewick makes it's crossing.
 It was low tide while I waited for the ferry, and a heron was doing some pretty successful hunting along the beach.
I went there to help Ginnie with her new house - she bought a repossessed double-wide on two acres, and it needs quite a bit of work to clean and paint and fix it up. It's nice and spacious, and the property is wooded and quite lovely with a lot of native rhododendrons throughout the woods. She took me out to dinner after, and we sat on the deck at Siren's pub and had pizza. The day had turned out to be gorgeous!

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