
Saturday, May 19, 2012

 Penn Cove Water Festival, celebrating the local Native Americans. There were dances, canoe races, crafts and food. I spent the day with Mark, and we had a really good time, and the weather was just right, too!

Above, one of the newest dancers in the Tshimshain Haayuuk Dancers group - they start young! The dancers wear beautiful traditional button capes, cedar hats, and Ravenstail woven aprons and pouches, and fantastical masks. The singer announces each song and describes what is happening, so it is very interesting.

 The last song featured spectators from audience to come and dance along.
 The Eagle dancer.

A lovely example of a Cedar Bark hat, and beautiful abalone buttons on her cape.
There were several races with different sized canoes: 3-man, 6-man, and 11-man. Of course they also had women crews, too. Above is the 6-man men's race: 3 canoes vying for first place, and the last canoe just rounding the buoy marker. These racing canoes are wooden, with no keel.
This was a fibreglas version of a family canoe, being paddled by 4 or 5 women, again with the lovely hats.

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