
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

 Today is a one-day retreat with Cris's guild, the Medina Spinning and Weaving Guild. It was held at Furnace Run, part of the Metro Parks. There was a nice lake, with mist rising from it, and a great blue heron hunting near the dam.
 Inside the building was a cozy room behind the fireplace with couches and rocking chairs, where most of the group spun or knitted.
 Cris and I worked in the large open room dying scarves. The building was built by the CCC in the 1930's, but renovated recently. They kept as much as they could, like the timber trusses in the ceiling, and wormy chestnut paneling. It was really nice!
 Despite the rain, we did get out for a wildflower walk, and passed by this memorial stone.

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