
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A calm (before the storm) partly sunny day, and I stopped at the Freeland Park on my way home from errands. The water was so smooth and clear, from the dock I could see the sea floor. Above, one of the sea anemones was a day-glo green. You can't tell from the photo, but those little pale lines were almost iridescent! The other anemones were different colors, but also had the iridescence glowing.
 Another underwater visitor was a jelly, slowly undulating its way around the end of the dock. It was about 12" across. This time of year, they tend to die off and end up on the beach, but this one was still alive.
  Not so for the blue mussel this crow found and ate!!
So calm and reflective . . .
 Then, I just have to add the fall photos of the birch tree on our driveway as Cory went by for his walk.

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