
Monday, October 31, 2011

 Birch tree down in the swamp, just beginning to change colors.

Sunset, changing colors of the clouds.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

 I saw all these little sailboats in the harbor as I went into town, and by the time I got to the park, they were lining up to come out. The other side of the dock had schools of minnows drifting under the maple leaves and fir needles in the clear water.
 I think these are called "Pelicans"- obviously there is a group who gets together for a fun afternoon.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Not a very inspired photo, but a fun one - my thrift store find! I have been looking for over a year for a small bench vise with the anvil on it, and finally there it was! Added bonus - it's blue instead of orange! Yay!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

  Autumn in the swamp - on a sunny afternoon! The morning was cold and smothered with fog, but the sun quickly melted it away.
The swamp floor is dry, until the winter rains fill up the local ecosystem, so I can explore among the moss and lichen-covered branches, vainly attempting to dodge the spider webs. But the random shafts of sunlight highlighting a spot of green draw me on . . .
Even the cedar trees give a nod to fall by dropping some of their leaves, which turn yellow then brown. Those spiders are here, too!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

 A brief but lovely sunrise this morning, silhouetting David's Peace on Earth sculptures, and one of the garden arches. It didn't last long - by the time I went back indoors and turned around, the sun was up, but it was cloudy and gray. And cold. And even a little bit of drizzle. Ah, October . . .

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sorry for missing a couple of days - I have been moving most of the house around to clear some space for Cory and Cara to move in! It is exhausting, but feels good to get things cleaned up and weeded out. Today was sunny and pretty, so I took time out for a walk in the woods.
A bit overexposed, but I like the way the photo looks. It's that mushroom time of year again!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

OK - more signs of autumn - a very colorful madrona leaf with a rain puddle on it - we had major rain all night, but it stopped around midday, allowing me to get out and find the reflections.

 Then, over to Suze's for her annual Hallowe'en Party - loads of food! Blood Clot Cakes, Kurdled Kidney Slices, Worms, Pus & Lungs, Ears & Eyeballs, and much more!
 Cory drifted in wearing his Black Mage costume . . .
And the sky parted over the mountains briefly.

Friday, October 21, 2011

 Normally at this time of year I'm all about documenting the signs of the approaching season, but the weather has been so weird this year, everything is out of whack! But, the saw-toothed leaves of our ornamental cherry have turned beautiful colors, so Apollo and I went out to enjoy them.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well, I didn't get out to get a photo yesterday at all, and today it was almost dark when I decided to walk the driveway. So I totally creeped on the neighbor's kitchen window - the light shone down the dark driveway.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ahhhhhh, everyone is gone at last, and the sun is shining! Time to relax . . .

 Jimmy and I went to Seattle Center for lunch at the Space Needle.
Here he is at the fountain,
 and the Space Needle,
waiting for the elevator,
  going up!

  The downtown buildings from our table.
 The Experience Music building.
Of course he had to try and wiggle these metal art pieces!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cody and Tim, getting ready to go back home.
Then Jimmy, Sue, Ginnie and I went for a walk on the beach. It was a pretty day, and we found lots of flotsam and jetsom.
 Sue counts the rings on a large tree while Ginnie scans the beach.
 This was old eroded foam, which must originally have been in a steel culvert that is now rusted away. Awesome colors and shapes. 
 Jimmy by tree roots.
 A old rope tangled in the roots is now sprouting barnacles.
 The sea lion family is enjoying the warmth of the sun, too.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

David's Celebration went really well today, but I didn't take even one photo. Many others did, though, and I will add some when I get them.
 My friend Cathi took these two photos - above, some of the Clampers in their red shirts, and below is the poster in the entry hall, with David's old hats and shirts. His friends had this poster made to hang in our shop, so he would be with them when they come over to watch Monday night football.

Friday, October 14, 2011

 One of the ECV guys carved this pumpkin for David - he used the buzzard logo, and 6016 is the ECV version of the year 2011. Very cool!
 The pumpkin was sitting on the bar, which the guys cleaned up and added a bunch of new lights.
 They also had a great fire, where we sat and watched the moon and stars appear as the clouds slowly cleared from the sky. Blair and Jimmy are having a discussion.
Earlier today Jimmy, Jeff and I went to Coupeville for lunch, where Jimmy found a sign with his wife's name on it. Beside his head is Mount Baker.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

 Cody got in last night with his girlfriend, Tim, and today we went down in the woods, where the boys bushwhacked a bit with their machetes and swords.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My folks in Ohio sent a beautiful bunch of flowers - lovely fall colors! They're on the David table in the entry.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On my way to Book Club tonight I noticed the sky from the parking area - this bright reflection only lasted a couple of minutes!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Monday Night Football crew, Russ, Paul and Blair pose with the poster of David they had made so that he could join them every Monday night. I thought it might be kind of creepy, but it turned out nicely.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

 It turned out to be fairly pleasant today, and an almost full moon rising early. Actually, it might even be the Harvest Moon? Nope, just looked it up - the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox, so it was the one in September. The next full moon is called the Hunter's Moon, though! Anyway, little Tookers is still experimenting with climbing trees. Thankfully he now only goes up a few feet, so is able to get down OK.
The apples are nearing completion - I'm just waiting . . .